Oil. It’s quite important stuff in engines, especially in aeroplane engines. Considering the only thing keeping us up in the air is the engine it makes sense to keep a close eye on the oil. He who is without oil, shall throw the first rod Compressions 8.7:1 I have an issue with a low oil…
Tag: weather
Flying to a Congress in Cape Town
Having an aircraft means somewhat more flexibility in terms of using general aviation to get to where you want on (more or less) your own terms. Of course, having an aircraft also means you can make totally financially unjustifiable trips on (more or less) your own terms. I tried to do a long cross country…
Feels like ages since I managed to sit down and write a post. So. Where are we in this journey? Well, I’m excited to report that I have made significant progress this month after 3weeks of not flying. The first two flights were not stellar – on the first we were hounded by a localized…