How do you make having a pilot license feel real? Fly with those who are most precious to you. For just over a year now I’ve been disappearing off to the airport for protracted periods of time and bringing nothing back other than stories of where I’ve flown, or how bad or good the conditions…
Tag: avgeek
First post PPL Flight – Circuits at Lanseria
22 June 2018 Using the PPL for the first time There is something about flying yourself for the first time with a freshly minted PPL certificate. No instructor to sign you out. Nobody double checking the tanks and the oil to make sure that you’ve put the caps back properly. It’s weird. But in a…
Solo Navigation Exercise 1
Solo Nav Number 1 – FALA – FAVV – FARG – FALA Look. Flying an airplane is fantastic. Flying an airplane solo on the other hand? Absolutely amazing. It’s great to be flying solo again. But scary too. Almost everyone I know who has learned to fly tells me they got lost on their solo…
Stimulating simulating and 50h in the logbook
Time is flying. And flying is time. I’ve spent three weeks doing basic instrument flying in the simulator. I thought I would hate it. Really. What could you possibly enjoy about playing a hyped up computer game? “I can do that at home right?” “How hard could it be?” “It’s not real flying” “will I…
Why do I fly?
I’ve been sitting on this one for a while now. I wanted to write it in response to Fly Like you Mean Its post “Why do We Fly”, but I’ve been really busy doing talks for congresses and sorting out the various things needed to keep the house up and running… If there’s one thing…
Stall Spin Checkout and Dual Check
Lesson 6 Date:- 4 August 2017 Aircraft: – ZS-JAB Route: – FALA – Magalies GFA – FALA METAR: –METAR FALA 041300Z 14004KT 040V170 9999 SCT035 20/M00 Q1024 NOSIG Hours:- 1.3 Total Hours:- 9.7 Well it’s fair to say that I have had mixed feelings about this flight. It’s a bit of a rite of…
#notflying (on Purpose) – Stalling and Guineafowl
So it seems stalling isn’t such a big issue after all. Sexy little Gen 5 SR22T ZS-BET Yeah, that’s not quite right is it? Stalling is a big issue and should be avoided at all costs. Except when you try to do it deliberately. When you’re learning to fly. I was fairly anxious about this…